Driver's Ed Study Guides and Practice Tests

  1. What does it mean if you are driving under the influence?


You are IMPAIRED. Your senses and judgment are impaired                                                        

  1. When is the road MOST SLIPPERY?

When it starts to rain or snow. The road is the most slippery in the first minutes of rain.

  1. Upon completion of the GDL (graduated driver’s license) requirements, one year of supervised driving, the holder of a Probationary License must…

Go to the MVC and get a BASIC license


  1. Before you can practice driving you must :
  2. Pass the knowledge test
  3. Pass a vision test
  4. Get a valid permit from the MVC
  5. Get red stickers for the license plate.


  1. How much longer does it take a truck to stop in bad weather?
  2. Can you park in front of a driveway? Never park in from of a driveway.

Only if you a directed to park in front of a driveway by a COP.


  1. If your car is skidding…



  1. When parking your car facing UPHILL… Hint up, up and away!

Turn your wheels AWAY from the curb. If the car starts to roll backwards, the tires will hit the curb and the car will NOT roll down the hill.

  1. When parking and your car is facing DOWNHILL, turn your wheels into the curb, to the right. It will prevent the car from rolling down the hill.
  2. As of 2010, all GDL drivers must GRADUATED DRIVER’S LICENSE

Display a reflectorized RED decal on their license plate

  1. You may NOT park within how many feet of a STOP sign?

 50 feet from a stop sign.

  1. When approaching a railroad crossing with flashing lights, you must


  1. When two or more roads join (merge) and there is no signal or regulatory device (lights or signs) it is a good practice to…slow down and be ready to stop.
  2. Triangular shaped road sign YIELD SIGN


  1. Report a change of address to the MVC MOTOR VEHCLE COMMISSION within 1 WEEK



  1. 2 years
  2. How much is the fine for a violation of any restriction of the GDL permit or probationary license? $100
  3. In extreme cases, an aggressive driver may…cause an accident


  1. If under 21, NJ law states that you may be under the influence if your BAC (blood alcohol level) is

*******************TRICK QUESTION**************************

.10        .05        .01        ALL OF THE ABOVE

It is illegal to drink under age 21, any BAC level means you are under the influence, drunk, committing a crime.

  1. If you drink and have a BAC of .05% the risk of causing an accident


  1. If your BAC is .10% your risk of causing a motor vehicle accident is

 Times greater!


  1. You cannot take a road test in a car with any obstruction or consoles between the driver and the examiner because…

 It prevents the examiner from reaching the brakes.



  1. The holder of a GDL learner’s permit must NOT drive between the hours of 11:01 pm to 5:00 am



                                           11:01 pm            to                                       5:00 am                                                         

  1. When the pavement is marked with two centerlines, one solid and one broken…

passing is permitted ONLY on the side with the --------- broken line--------


No passing                                           No passing                       Yes! You can pass on the side

                                                                                                                     with the broken line




  1. Your car must be inspected….

 every 2 years

  1. If a vehicle is passing your car, you should…






  1. What is a habitual offender?

license suspended 3 times in 3 years

  1. A probationary driver is on probation for….6 months
  2. If a person gets drunk in your home and has an accident… you could become involved in a






  1. Supervising driver must be


21 years old        NJ driver for 3 years              sit in the front seat

  1. A deceleration lane is…

 an extra lane at a highway exit used to slow down.


  1. The best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol-related accident is to:



  1. The speed limit in a school zone is
  2. Emotions can have a great effect on your driving, if you are angry or excited…

give yourself time to calm down.


  1. The holder of a valid GDL permit, age 21 years or older, is restricted to what driving hours?

 if you are over 21, there are no restrictions about driving hours.



  1. When driving around a curve, your car will tend to :

 car wants to continue in a straight line.

  1. In addition to a valid registration, and insurance card, you must carry…license or permit




  1. What does it mean if you are driving under the influence?

You are IMPAIRED. Your senses and judgment are impaired                                                        

  1. When is the road MOST SLIPPERY?

When it starts to rain or snow. The road is the most slippery in the first minutes of rain.

  1. Upon completion of the GDL (graduated driver’s license) requirements, one year of supervised driving, the holder of a Probationary License must…

Go to the MVC and get a BASIC license


  1. Before you can practice driving you must :
  2. Pass the knowledge test
  3. Pass a vision test
  4. Get a valid permit from the MVC
  5. Get red stickers for the license plate.


  1. How much longer does it take a truck to stop in bad weather?
  2. Can you park in front of a driveway? Never park in from of a driveway.

Only if you a directed to park in front of a driveway by a COP.


  1. If your car is skidding…



  1. When parking your car facing UPHILL… Hint up, up and away!

Turn your wheels AWAY from the curb. If the car starts to roll backwards, the tires will hit the curb and the car will NOT roll down the hill.

  1. When parking and your car is facing DOWNHILL, turn your wheels into the curb, to the right. It will prevent the car from rolling down the hill.
  2. As of 2010, all GDL drivers must GRADUATED DRIVER’S LICENSE

Display a reflectorized RED decal on their license plate

  1. You may NOT park within how many feet of a STOP sign?

 50 feet from a stop sign.

  1. When approaching a railroad crossing with flashing lights, you must


  1. When two or more roads join (merge) and there is no signal or regulatory device (lights or signs) it is a good practice to…slow down and be ready to stop.
  2. Triangular shaped road sign YIELD SIGN


  1. Report a change of address to the MVC MOTOR VEHCLE COMMISSION within 1 WEEK



  1. 2 years
  2. How much is the fine for a violation of any restriction of the GDL permit or probationary license? $100
  3. In extreme cases, an aggressive driver may…cause an accident


  1. If under 21, NJ law states that you may be under the influence if your BAC (blood alcohol level) is

*******************TRICK QUESTION**************************

.10        .05        .01        ALL OF THE ABOVE

It is illegal to drink under age 21, any BAC level means you are under the influence, drunk, committing a crime.

  1. If you drink and have a BAC of .05% the risk of causing an accident


  1. If your BAC is .10% your risk of causing a motor vehicle accident is

 Times greater!


  1. You cannot take a road test in a car with any obstruction or consoles between the driver and the examiner because…

 It prevents the examiner from reaching the brakes.



  1. The holder of a GDL learner’s permit must NOT drive between the hours of 11:01 pm to 5:00 am



                                           11:01 pm            to                                       5:00 am                                                         

  1. When the pavement is marked with two centerlines, one solid and one broken…

passing is permitted ONLY on the side with the --------- broken line--------


No passing                                           No passing                       Yes! You can pass on the side

                                                                                                                     with the broken line




  1. Your car must be inspected….

 every 2 years

  1. If a vehicle is passing your car, you should…






  1. What is a habitual offender?

license suspended 3 times in 3 years

  1. A probationary driver is on probation for….6 months
  2. If a person gets drunk in your home and has an accident… you could become involved in a






  1. Supervising driver must be


21 years old        NJ driver for 3 years              sit in the front seat

  1. A deceleration lane is…

 an extra lane at a highway exit used to slow down.


  1. The best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol-related accident is to:



  1. The speed limit in a school zone is
  2. Emotions can have a great effect on your driving, if you are angry or excited…

give yourself time to calm down.


  1. The holder of a valid GDL permit, age 21 years or older, is restricted to what driving hours?

 if you are over 21, there are no restrictions about driving hours.



  1. When driving around a curve, your car will tend to :

 car wants to continue in a straight line.

  1. In addition to a valid registration, and insurance card, you must carry…license or permit





Registration                                       insurance                                 license or permit

  1. At an uncontrolled intersection…

The first vehicle at the intersection goes first

The vehicle to the LEFT must yield to the vehicle on the right.


  The blue car is on the left. Must yield to the red car on the right.

  1. During a probationary period, a motorist must enroll in a probationary driving school when…

They accumulate 4 or more points OR 2 moving violations

  1. The meaning of a hand signal when a driver’s arm is pointing straight out (pointing to the left)
  2. If your license plate is lost of stolen you must

 report it to NJ Motor Vehicle Agency

  1. It is legal to turn on red if you…

make a full STOP and check traffic



Registration                                       insurance                                 license or permit

  1. At an uncontrolled intersection…

The first vehicle at the intersection goes first

The vehicle to the LEFT must yield to the vehicle on the right.


  The blue car is on the left. Must yield to the red car on the right.

  1. During a probationary period, a motorist must enroll in a probationary driving school when…

They accumulate 4 or more points OR 2 moving violations

  1. The meaning of a hand signal when a driver’s arm is pointing straight out (pointing to the left)
  2. If your license plate is lost of stolen you must

 report it to NJ Motor Vehicle Agency

  1. It is legal to turn on red if you…

make a full STOP and check traffic



 1. Who should you notify if your license is stolen?


The NJ MVC           The DMV         Your Local Police


2. How long do you have to report a name change to the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC)?


2 days              2 weeks                        2 months                     2 years


3. How long do you have to report a change of address to the DMV?


1 week             1 month                       1 year              1 day


4. If a student driver commits a traffic offense who is responsible?


The student                 The instructor              Neither one                 Both of them


  1. What will happen if you change or alter your driver’s license?


A fine              Jail time                       Lose License               Fine and Lose License


  1. If you get a driver’s license illegally what happens


Fine                 Lose License               Jail time                      Fine and/or Jail Time


  1. A passenger in the front seat is 18 years old and he won’t wear a seat belt. Who is responsible?


The driver                   The passenger             Both of them


  1. The passenger in the front seat is under the age of 17, and is not wearing a seat belt. Who is responsible?


The driver                   The passenger             both of Them


  1. When should you use your turn signals?


Changing Lanes                      Turning                        Slowing Down            All of These


  1. When parking UPHILL, the curb is on your right. Your wheels should be


Turned away from the curb                            Turned towards the curb


  1. When parking DOWN HILL and the curb is on you right, Your wheels should be


Turned away from the curb                Turned towards the curb


  1. Why do driver’s leave a space cushion (room between cars) when driving on the highway?


To give you time to react                    So you don’t tailgate               So you Can Pass


  1. Why do you wear a seatbelt?


Keeps you from sliding in your seat

Keeps you from being thrown from the car

Helps you survive a collision

All of the above


  1. A common mistake drivers make with the brake pedal is


Hitting the gas instead            Pushing down too hard                       Waiting too long to brake


15.  To back up your car in a straight line you should


Use your mirrors only

Turn your head and body, look over your right shoulder until you can see out the window

Use your rear view mirror only


  1. In order to steer the car while backing up, you should turn


Steer in the opposite direction you want the back of the car to go

Steer in the direction you want the back of the car to go


  1. Speed Limit in a School Zone


10mph             25 mph                        50 mph


  1. To make a right hand turn you should


Be in the left lane                    Be in the Right Lane               Only use your signals


  1. When do you use your headlights?


½ hour after sunset

½ hour before sunrise

bad weather

All of the above


  1. Parking distance from a fire hydrant is?


10 feet             10 yards                      100 feet                       25 feet