Ellen Foster

Ellen Foster
by Kaye Gibbons

About the Author-Kaye Gibbons

The story of Ellen Foster is semiautobiographical story about Kaye Gibbons.

Similarities between the author Kaye Gibbons and the character of Ellen Foster

Grew up in the Southern United States
Experienced Discrimination and Prejudice
Mothers committed suicide
Alcoholic Abusive Fathers
Passed around to relatives
Foster care system

Some Interesting Facts about Kaye Gibbons

Kaye Gibbons has been diagnosed with a mential illness, bi-polar disorder.

Kaye Gibbons has been married and divorced two times.

She has 3 adult children

She has been arrested for abusing prescription drugs and stealing prescription drug order forms to obtain pain killers.

Ellen  Foster A  Modern  Day Cinderella Story

Cinderella-young orphan girl who must take care of herself
Ellen-also a young orphan girl who must take car of herself

Cinderella-Must depend on mean, bitter relatives who resent her (stepmother and step-sisters)
Ellen-Must depend on mean, bitter relatives who resent her (mama's mama and her aunts)

Cinderella-has a Wicked Step-mother
Ellen-has Wicked Grandmother

Cinderella-is a servant in her own house
Ellen-a slave worker in the fields of her grandmother's farm

Cinderella-step-sisters constantly fight
Ellen-aunts are constantly fighting

Cinderella-Stepsisters mock and destroy her ballgown
Ellen-Aunt and cousin Dora mock Ellen's handmade Christmas gift (painting of cats)

Cinderella-a beautiful ballgown transforms Cinderella and she meets her prince who saves her and she lives "happily ever after"
Ellen-a beautiful blue dress with a lace collar transforms Ellen and she meets her foster mother who saves Ellen and she "lives happily ever after


Comparing To Kill a Mockingbird to Ellen Foster


Major Difference in the Stories


  • Scout Finch, the narrator of To Kill a Mockingbird, comes from a loving home. Her father, Atticus Finch, is one of the most beloved and respected characters in literature.


  • Scout does not experience any type of abuse in To Kill a Mockingbird


  • Scout has a loving and supportive relationship with a sibling, her brother, Jem.




  • Both books are semi-autobiographical
  • Both stories are set in the South
  • Both stories deal with discrimination
  • Narrators, Ellen and Scout, are young girls
  • Narrators are precocious-wise beyond their years
  • Narrators are intelligent love to read and write
  • Narrators experience the death of their mothers
  • Both stories have a mean, cruel, hateful older woman

         Mama’s mama in Ellen Foster

         Mrs. DuBoise in To Kill a Mockingbird

  • Both stories have a kind mother figure

         New Mama and Julia, the art teacher in Ellen Foster

         Calpurnia and Miss Maudie Atkinson in To Kill a Mockingbird

  • Both stories have a mean Aunt

         Aunt Betsey and Aunt Nadine in Ellen Foster

         Aunt Alexandra in To Kill a Mockingbird

  • Both stories have a child character that experiences extreme poverty and prejudice

      Starletta in Ellen Foster

      Walter Cunningham in To Kill a Mockingbird


Kaye Gibbons and Harper Lee

  • both grew up in the Southern United States
  • both experienced prejudice, discrimination against Black Americans
  • both authors grew up without a mother






Prologue-an introduction to a play or story, often the prologue will tell the reader the end of the story. We read the play or story to understand the ending.

In the prologue to Ellen Foster  the readers learn that:

   Ellen wanted to kill her father
   Her parents are both dead
   Ellen lives in a foster home

We read the  book to find out

   why Ellen wanted to kill her father
   How her parents died
   Why she is happy to be living in a foster home

Dedication-The book is dedicated to Kaye Gibbons' family

Theme-Self-Reliance, Even as a young girl Ellen can depend on only herself for food, shelter and love. 

Chapter 1
inner dialogue, the story shifts back and forth from the present to the past
Ellen's homelife
abusive, alcoholic, lying father
mother ill and home from the hospital
Ellen living in a foster home that is neat, clean, she gets fed and is proud to go to school 

Chapter 2
Ellen's mother has overdosed on heart meds
Ellen lays down with her mother in bed until she stops breathing
Whose fault is it that mother is dead?

Ellen loves to read classic books

Ellen is getting ready for her mother's funeral
Ellen despises her father, she thinks he is a phony

Chapter 3
Present Day-Ellen gets up early to be the first one to ride the pony

Flashback to Funeral Day
Ellen wears hand-me-down clothes
Ellen's father worries that she will tell somone how the mother died
A funeral director is paid to care
Aunt Nadine-Ellen hates her, a phony, sells food slicers from home
Cousin Dora-same age as Ellen/wets her pants 2x a day, spoiled

Chapter 4
Funeral-Ellen doesn't look or watch her mom in the coffin

Ellen's grandmother (Mama's mama) hates the father, calls him "trash" and "nigger"
Grandmother is not kind, slightly crazy and violent

Chapter 5
Flashback-After the funeral
Ellen's father disappears for 2 days , drinking

Ellen is home alone, eats food from the funeralm wears her mother's clotes under her own

Back to School
Teacher (another phony) wants to know how her mother died because she is nosey. Ellen refuses to talk. Teacher was kind in the past.

   is negligent, doesn't pay the bills or feed Ellen
   his brothers get the father to sign over the farm to them
   leave $ in the mailbox
Ellen-self reliant
   uses the $ to pay the bills
   lives off of frozen TV dinners
   buys fish and cooks for herself
   plays make believe with a family she has cut-out from a catalogl

Chapter 6
Flashback-Christmas Day
Ellen visits Starletta's family, very kind and generous people
   Dirt Poor-1 room house, filthy and smelly
   Parents are pickers/illiterate but live their daughter
Ellen shows discrimination/prejudice
   won't eat "colored food" and is worried about "colored germs"

Father is gone on Christmas Day
   Ellen home alone watching TV
   Mama's mama removes all of her mother's c lothes--donates them to "real niggers"

Ellen very intelligent--advanced for her age
   loves to read
   even reads the encyclopedia

Present Day-Foster Home
5 foster children live there
Evidence foster mom is good
   washes Ellen's hair

Flashback-New Years's Eve
Father comes home with a group of black men
   eat all of Ellen's food
   get drunk
   pass out
   Ellen assaulted by her father, sexual, calls Ellen by her mother's name
   Runs away to Starletta's

Chapter 7
   Spends New Year's Eve at Starletta's house, offers to pay them $

   Ellen goes home, packs possessions and calls her Aunt Betsey "Can I stay with you?"
      aunt has no children/no husband (selfish)
      Ellen gets to stay 1 weekend and then sent back home

Ellen survives the summer
Father continues to abuse Ellen

School starts--Teachers notice bruises
   Ellen will be taken from her home
   No family to go to
   Only friends are Starletta's family (colored family) not acceptable in the South

Present Day-Foster Home
Ellen talks about grocery shopping (a necessity) 
   sounds GLAMOROUS   
   Foster mom never has to put food back
   always has money

Chapter 8
Ellen lives the art teacher and her husband
   kooky/artsy Hippies who want to save the World from people like Ellen's father

MEMORY of mama
   Ellen remembers a day picking beans with her mother
   Realizes she had "only one good season" with her mother

Ellen's Birthday
   Party-one guest-Starletta
   have cake, go to the movies, present-art supplies
   Starletta-very slow? dumb? possibly handicapped?

Chapter 9
Ellen's father comes to the school
   makes a scene and brings $

Family Court
   Judge gives Ellen back to "her family" 
   "What do you do when the judge talks about the family society's cornerstone but you know yours was never a Roman pillar but is and always has been a crumbly old brick?" (Page 56) 

Present Day-Foster Home-On Sundays
   family goes to Church
   Eat a big meal together
   Prepare meals for the whole week
   Foster kids must be good in church--get donations/$ from the church

Chapter 10
Flashback-Summer spent at Grandmother's house
Grandmother is WEALTHY, large house with servants
Ellen sleeps in her mother's old room
   canopy bed and a firplace
   Ellen has nightmares
Grandmother-Mama's mama
   mean, crazy angry--all 3
   verbally abusive

Ellen's father dies
   She does not attend funeral
   Uncle come to Grandmother's house to give her flag (Ellen's father served his country in the military)
   Fight with grandmother
   Grandmother holds the deeds to everyone's farms (control)
   Burns the funeral flag

Grandmother fires all the servants
   gets sick and is bedridden
   Ellen (age 11) takes care of sick grandmother

Chapter 11
Ellen tries to figure out why her grandmother is so mean
   Revenge against her father for marrying the mother

Grandmother pays Ellen's uncle Rudolph to spy on Ellen's father
   he leaves money from the grandmother in the mailbox
   when Ellen runs away, Grandmothe sends less 
   trying to starve Ellen's father to death?
   Father dies of a brain anuerysm

Grandmother now blames Ellen for her mother's death (age 10)
   plans to make father and Ellen pay for it

Grandmother dies from the flu

Chapter 12
Present Day-Foster Home
Ellen is happy/grateful
   Life is perfect, like the pictures on a cereal box

Baby Roger--biological mother is Stella, foster sister, only a 7th grader
   Stella dyes her hair and flirts with boys on the bus

   Ellen sees her at school
   Misses her only "friend"
   regrets feeling superior to Starletta because she is white

Ellen's perspective on Blacks is changing
   used to be afraid that "Blacks" could kill her 
   realizes it was actually her own white family that was lethal

Tuesdays meets with social worker/psychologist
   Ellen hates it
   gets a "good hug" from her new mom on Tuesdays

Foster-Last name
   comes from living with her "FOSTER FAMILY"
   new identity
   starting a new life
   Ellen wants a new name, her old name is "worn out"

Chapter 13
Grandmother dies
   Ellen calls funeral home and her aunts who fight

   Ellen's project-decorate mama's mama body with flowers
   Ellen bargains with God--she did right by the grandmother, please let her mother into Heaven
   Refuses to go to the funeral

Ellen goes to live with Aunt Nadine and Dora
   She does not paln to stay
   Wants to live with the nice lady from church called "The Foster Family"
   Ellen keeps to herself, stays in her room, only eats meals with the family
   Uncle is dead from a stroke

Ellen gets to go shopping
   buys clothes that are a size larger, so they will last
   all the clothes match
   Ellen buys a special dress for church to get noticed by "Mrs. Foster"

Present Day
Ellen plans a sleep-over for Starletta at the foster home
   of course foster mom says yes and makes it special

Chapter 14