Grading Policy

1. Grades are determined per the student IEP and Manville School District Grading Policies.
2.  Students will receive numeric grades on report cards and progress reports.
3. Assignments and work should always be on time. Late work will be accepted and graded as late (5 point deduction for each day)


Class Participation       20%
Tests                          30%
Quizzes                      10%
Homework/Classwork  10%            
Writing/Projects          30%


Final Grades


Each marking period is worth 20% of your final grade.  It is important to do well every marking period.
The Mid-Term and Final Exams are each worth 10% of your final grade.
Students must take and pass midterm and final exams.
Students who do not take exams will receive a 0 (zero).
Students MUST have a medical excuse to make up a missed exam.


All ESSAY assignments are scored using the 6 point holistic writing rubric.

All short-constructred response essays (1 paragraph) are scored using the 4 point holistic writing rubric. (BASED ON NJ HOLISTIC RUBRICS)