Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet - Powered By OnCourse Systems For Education

William Shakespeare-Why do we study William Shakespeare?


Nicknames-The Bard, The Bard of Avon and The Swan of Avon


His works has been translated into every major language

The most quoted writer in the English language and World history

Wrote 38 plays-11 Tragedies, 17 Comedies and 10 Historical

Wrote 154 Sonnets (special form of poetry)


The House of the Montagues



Lord and Lady Montague






The House of the Capulets



Lord and Lady Capulet

The Nurse

Tybalt (cousin)

Sampson and Gregory (servants)


The House of Verona


Prince Escalus




The Church


Friar Lawrence

Friar John


Other Characters



The Apothecary

The Chorus


Character Descriptions



His name means “a lover”

Young, intelligent and handsome

Reckless, Passionate, Intense and lacks moderation

Best friends are Benvolio and Mercutio

Friar Lawrence is his advisor




Beautiful, 13 years old


Expected to marry soon

The Nurse is her confidant

Grows up quickly when she falls in love with Romeo

More cautious and level-headed than Romeo


Lord Montague

Romeo’s father

Bitter enemy of the Capulets



Juliet’s father

Enemy of the Montagues

Loves his daughter (his only child)

Demands respect

Flies into a rage when angry




Lady Montague

Romeo’s mother

Dies of grief when Romeo is exiled from Verona


Lady Capulet

Married Young, gave birth to Juliet when she was about 14

Eager to see Juliet marry Paris

Ineffectual mother, relies on Nurse to raise Juliet


The Nurse

Juliet’s nurse her entire life

Actually breast Juliet as an infant

Confidant, extremely LOYAL

Wants Juliet to have a husband

Comic Relief throughout the play



Juliet’s cousin

Deeply hates and loathes the Montagues

Aggressive, Violent,

Quick to draw his sword, excellent with this weapon

Kills Mercutio and is then killed by Romeo




Romeo’s cousin and thoughtful friend



A kinsman to the Prince of Verona

Romeo’s close friend


Loves word play, especially about sex

Gives Romeo advice about love and women

Tries to convince Romeo “there are many fish in the sea”

Killed in a swordfight with Tybalt

Curses the Montagues and Capulets


Prince Escalus

The prince of Verona, the law, judge and jury of Verona

Kinsmen of Mercutio and Paris

Has threatened the Capulets and Montagues to end the feud with death/execution

Banishes Romeo from Verona to Mantua (merciful)



Romeo is infatuated with her at the start of the play


Sworn to a life of chastity (most likely is becoming a nun)

Never seen on stage



Friar Lawrence

A Franciscan Friar (part of the Roman Catholic Church)

Expert in potions, medicines, poisons, plants and herbs

Advisor to Romeo

Friend to Romeo and Juliet

Secretly marries Romeo and Juliet

Hopes the Marriage will bring Peace to Verona

Ambitious, wants to be popular and influential in Verona


Friar John

Works with Friar Lawrence

Supposed to take a message of Juliet’s FAKE death to Romeo

Gets stuck in a quarantined house and the message never reaches Romeo



A kinsman of the Prince

Asks to marry Juliet and liked by her parents


The Apothecary

A druggist

Takes a bribe to sell poison to Romeo


The Chorus

The Narrator of the Play, presents the prologue to each act


Sampson and Gregory

Capulet servants--hate the Montagues

First Scene of the play fight with Montagues

Demonstrate the feud that leads to the threat by Prince Escalus


Romeo’s servant, brings Romeo the news of Juliet’s death


Montague servant, fights with Capulet servants in the first scene



2 families from Verona, Italy are feuding (fighting)

One child from each family has fallen in love

The lovers are “star-crossed” and cannot be together, they commit suicide

Their deaths end the family feud


ACT 1:1—Fighting in the Streets

Streets of Verona

  • Servants from the Montague and Capulet families fight
  • Benvolio tries to stop the fight
  • Prince Escalus of Verona comes and stops the fight
  • Prince promises to execute anyone who fights in the future
  • Romeo is introduced, he is sad and depressed because the woman he loves (Rosaline) does not love him


ACT 1:2—Juliet gets a proposal

Capulet House

  • Paris asks Lord Capulet to marry his daughter Juliet
  • Lord Capulet say she is too young to marry, he wants her to wait 2 more summers
  • Lord Capulet wants his only child, Juliet, to be happy
  • The Capulets plan a party


  • Romeo and Benvolio find out about the party from a servant
  • Romeo finds out Rosaline will be at the party
  • Benvolio wants Romeo to go to the party to look for a new love


ACT 1:3—Juliet gets the sex talk from Mom

Capulet house, before the party

  • The Nurse, Lady Capulet and Juliet talk about Juliet marrying Paris
  • The Nurse and Lady Capulet think Juliet is old enough to marry

ACT 1:4—There are more fish in the sea

Streets of Verona

  • Romeo and his friends Benvolio and Mercutio are on their way to the Capulet Ball
  • Romeo sad and depressed
  • Romeo is worried about a dream he had last night
  • Mercutio teases Romeo about his dream (QUEEN MAB)
  • Romeo has a bad feeling about the party, afraid of death (FATE)
  • Romeo puts his fate/future in God’s hands


ACT 1:5-Love at first sight and kissing

The Capulet Ball

Lord Capulet makes a speech

Romeo walks in a sees the most beautiful girl in the world!


Tybalt (A Capulet and Juliet’s cousin) finds out Romeo is at the party, he’s furious

Tybalt tells his uncle, Lord Capulet, wants to fight Romeo at the Ball

Lord Capulet forbids the fight


Juliet and Romeo meet and fall in love at first sight, they KISS

Romeo finds out the love of his life is a Capulet

Juliet discovers that the love of her life is a Montague


Act 2:1-Where in the world did Romeo go?

Capulet Garden

  • Romeo is in the Capulet’s garden and orchard
  • Mercutio and Benvolio are looking for Romeo
  • They can’t find Romeo and they leave



Romeo is in the garden hoping to see Juliet on the balcony

  • Juliet comes out on the balcony and is talking to herself
  • Romeo learns that Juliet loves him, but is afraid because he is a Montague
  • Romeo and Juliet talk and admit they love each other
  • They are willing to give up their families and their names
  • They plan to marry


ACT 2:3—You’ve got to help us

The next morning

Romeo goes to see his priest, Friar Lawrence

  • Romeo says he has forgotten all about Rosaline
  • He is in love with Juliet now
  • He asks Friar Lawrence to marry them
  • Friar Lawrence agrees to marry them in secret and hopes it will end the feud

ACT 2: 4—A secret wedding is planned

In the afternoon

  • Mercutio and Benvolio are looking for Romeo
  • They are afraid Tybalt wants to fight Romeo
  • They find Romeo and The Nurse arrives with a message for Romeo
  • Romeo and The Nurse plan the secret wedding
  • Romeo and Juliet will meet with Friar Lawrence to marry in a secret ceremony


ACT 2: 5—Juliet sneaks away

Capulet House

  • The Nurse teases Juliet and makes her wait for news from Romeo
  • Juliet tells her parents she is going to Church to go to confession, instead she will marry Romeo


ACT 2:6—Going to the Chapel of Love

At the Church

  • Romeo and Juliet meet to get married
  • They are so in love they are not worried about the future
  • Friar Lawrence hopes to be the man that saves Verona form the feud
  • He marries Romeo and Juliet

ACT 3:1—Sword fights, dead bodies and Romeo is banished

Streets of Verona-the same day

  • Benvolio and Mercutio are walking around Verona
  • Mercutio is looking for a fight
  • They meet Tybalt (Juliet’s cousin) and argue
  • Mercutio and Tybalt have a sword fight
  • Romeo tries to stop the fight, he steps in between them and Mercutio is stabbed
  • As Mercutio is dying her curses both families, “A plague on both your houses”


Tybalt fights with Romeo

  • Romeo kills Tybalt and runs away
  • The Capulets, The Montagues and the Prince come to the scene
  • The Capulets are angry—Tybalt is dead
  • The Prince is angry—Mercutio, his cousin, is dead
  • The Prince declares that Romeo must be punished
  • Romeo is exiled from Verona to Mantua forever


ACT 3:2—The bad news

Juliet’s bedroom

  • The Nurse tells Juliet about the news about Tybalt and Romeo
  • Juliet is upset her cousin is dead, but devastated that Romeo has been banished
  • Juliet upset that she will not have a wedding night and “will die a maidenwidow” (virgin)
  • The Nurse promises to arrange “a wedding night” meeting for the lovers


ACT 3:3—The plan for the wedding night

Friar Lawrence’s Cell

  • Romeo is worried about his punishment for Tybalt’s death
  • Friar tells Romeo he is lucky to be alive and only exiled from Verona
  • The Nurse arrives and they make plans for the wedding night
  • Romeo will leave Verona in the morning
  • The Nurse gives Romeo and ring from Juliet as a sign of her love


ACT 3:4—Juliet will marry Paris

The Capulet House

  • The Capulets meet with Paris
  • They decide that Juliet will marry Paris on Thursday, because Wednesday is too soon?!?


ACT 3:5—Romeo and Juliet and some nooky-nooky

Juliet’s bedroom, the next morning

  • Romeo and Juliet have consummated their marriage
  • Saying good-bye, do not want the night to end and morning to arrive
  • They notice they “look pale like death”
  • The Nurse enters and warns Juliet her mother is coming
  • Romeo leaves
  • Lady Capulet enters and tells Juliet she will marry Paris on Thursday
  • Juliet is upset and refuses to marry Paris
  • Lord Capulet is enraged, fights with Juliet and her parents leave


  • Juliet asks The Nurse for advice
  • Nurse tells Juliet to marry Paris and forget Romeo, because he is as good as dead
  • Juliet pretends to take the Nurses’ advice
  • Juliet plans to go see Friar Lawrence for advice
  • Juliet says if Friar Lawrence can’t help her she can always kill herself


ACT 4:1—A short scene but a fateful plan is hatched!

At the Church

Paris goes to see the Friar to plan his wedding to Juliet

  • Paris explains the wedding will make Juliet happy
  • Juliet arrives and talks to Paris lovingly
  • To get Paris to leave, Juliet asks for confession
  • Juliet threatens to kill herself is she has to marry Paris
  • Friar Lawrence comes with a plan

            Juliet will agree to marry Paris

            Before the wedding she will drink a “sleeping potion”

            Her family will think she is dead

            She will be put in the family vault

            The Friar will send a message to Romeo, telling him about the plan

            Romeo will sneak back to Verona to get Juliet

  • Juliet agrees to the plan

ACT 4:2—Juliet deceives her parents

The Capulet House

  • Juliet tells her parents she will marry Paris
  • Parents are happy
  • Juliet goes to her room to prepare for the wedding


ACT 4:3—Juliet makes a big decision

Juliet’s bedroom

  • She convinces her mother and the Nurse to leave her alone
  • She worries about drinking the potion
  • Juliet drinks the sleeping potion 

ACT 4:4—Is Juliet asleep or dead?

Juliet’s bedroom

  • The nurse finds Juliet dead
  • Lord and Lady Capulet come in, the three are very upset
  • Friar Lawrence and Paris arrive
  • The Friar tells the family to prepare for the funeral

ACT 5:1—I want a new drug

While Juliet body is lying in the family vault

  • In Mantua
  • Romeo remembers a beautiful dream about Juliet
  • Romeo’s servant Balthasar arrives to tell Romeo that Juliet is dead
  • Romeo is distraught “I defy you stars”
  • Romeo looks for an apothecary (druggist) to buy poison to kill himself
  • He plans to go to the tomb “to lie with” his Juliet


ACT 5:2—Friar Lawrence comes up with another plan!

  • The Friar realizes Romeo never received the message about Juliet’s fake death
  • The messenger (Friar John) never got to Mantua, he got stuck in a quarantined house
  • Friar Lawrence decides to go get Juliet out of the tomb and hide her at the church


ACT 5:3—Hey, let’s all hang out at the tomb tonight, More people are going to die

Capulet Family Tomb

Paris goes to the tomb to leave flowers

  • Romeo goes to the tomb with a crowbar to break in
  • Paris thinks that Romeo, a Montague, is planning to damage the Capulets
  • They argue, sword fight, Paris is dead!
  • Romeo drags Paris’ body into the tomb
  • Romeo sees Juliet’s “dead” body, drinks the poison and commits suicide
  • Friar Lawrence finds Paris and Romeo dead
  • Juliet wakes up, Friar Lawrence tries to convince her to leave. She refuses and the Friar takes off
  • Juliet sees the vial of poison and realizes Romeo is dead
  • She tries to take the poison by kissing Romeo’s lips, then she takes a knife and kills herself
  • The Prince, The Capulets and the Montagues arrive at the tomb

Friar Lawrence is forced to tell them all the truth

  • The Prince blames the Capulets and Montague Feud for all the deaths
  • The families end the feud and decide to build a memorial statue to the lovers
  • The play ends as the Prince declares, “Never was there a story of more woe, Than that of Juliet and her Romeo