Senior Short Story Unit

Demonman by Julialicia Case


Amelia, an 11 year old, whose sister has been traumatized

First person narrative


Sister, Laura, a victim of rape

6 teenage girls have been raped in town

Father is absent from the family (cheating/technology)

Mother avoids crisis through cooking/crafts

Main Conflict:

Laura (victim) and her family traumatized by a rape.

Laura refuses to communicate (selective mutism)


Ameila, a fire girl, thinks she can save her.

investigates rape and communicates with sister through emojis, finds Laura's sneakers

Amelia CHANGES. She realizes that she cannot save Laura until Laura wants to get better.

"if she wants us to hurry, she could speak"



Laura has improved slightly, running again, goes to chorus and counseling.

Laura is NOT speaking yet.

Family continues to struggle with the trauma.

Tone: (author's words)

Hopeful to hopeless



Mood: (reader's feelings)

stressed/angry-Laura has been attacked

scared/anxious-Amelia keeps returning to the woods, scene of the crime

frustrated-Laura has not recovered and the rapist was never caught

Central Meaning: 

Working through a trauma 

The trauma affects the victim and anyone those that love her.

There are many ways to deal with trauma and healing.

The victim must take some responsibility to move on before they can heal. 


sneakers-Laura's strength and power become her lost innocence

bike-Amelia's freedom f

phone-communication through emojis


hanging bottles-1 bottle for each victim, voices are trapped inside the bottles

leaves-the pst, memories

poison ivy-trauma and pain

Motifs: (recurring images or words)

red foods

fire girls/water girls




rape anger



Loss of Innocene-Laura and Amelia have lost their childhood innocence and trust of the world because of the rape

Moral Struggle-The victim and family struggle to cope with the aftermath of a rape and create a new normal life after the trauma

Communication-People can communicate in many ways besides words (emojis, support, feed victim, offer physical comfort, record good events, take to counseling)

Likes by Sarah Shun-lien Bynum


Dave, the father of an 11 year old daughter

Third person narative


Ivy's emotional outbursts

Ivy's injury, needs to go to PT

Ivy talks to her couselor

Dance try-outs

Presidential Election 2016, Trump wins

Main Conflict:

Dave, a father, feels like he is losing his daughter.

Dave feels like an outsider or an observer of his child's life.


Ivy is coming of age, chnaging from a child to a teenager and being more independent

Dave realizes that his daughter is growing up and does not need him.



When Dave and Ivy create a literal Instgram picture using the window.

Still connected yet separated by the glass.

Tone: (author's words)

Hopeless, worried, bewildered


Annoyed: Dave's whinning

Concerned: Dave's mental health. Is he going crazy?

Anxious-Where is this story going?

Central Meaning of the Story:

Relationships evolve and change over time. 

This change is normal and natural.

Trust your loved ones and don't control them.


Instagram pictures: Ivy's independent life and thoughts

Window: connection and separation

Happiness Planner: birght, positive future

Inspirational Quote: there is hope for the future

PT exercises: health and happiness

Voting Sticker: Community connection

Newspapers: knowledge



social media: outside influences on Ivy's life and thoughts


dance class

driving: Dad is in the "driver's seat" he is in control of Ivy

Car Accident: Dad has lost control of Ivy's every thought and activity


Coming of Age: Ivy, aga 12 becomes a teen, is more independent, has her own friends, ideas, activities

Moral Struggle: Dave struggles to accept some new realities in his life. Ivy doesn't need him and there is a new political landscape (Trump 2016)

The Optimism of Youth

Search for identity


Postive vs Negative 

Old vs. Young

Male vs. Female

POV: Point of View

Ivy views life through a different lens than her father Dave

Privacy vs. Public Exposure


Mika Model by Paola Bacigalupi


Detective Rivera, a police officer investigating a murder


A Mika Model kills her owner

Mika wants a lawyer

Should she be charged with a crime

Holly from Executive Pleasures "shuts down Mika Models's CPU"

Main conflict:

Is the Mika Model entitled to the same legal rights as any human because Mika can "think" and "expresses emotions"



Detective Rivera sees the Mika Model as "a girl" more than a bot throughout the story.

Detective Rivera sees the Mika Model's humanity


At the end of the story Mika is an object, a bot, her CPU (central processing unit) is shut off.

The model's CPU will be updated.

Tone: author's perspective

Male (Detective Rivera) is emotional and sexual. The male sees the Mika models humanity.

Condescending: the male, Detective Rivera, is suseptible to Mika's sexuality and flirting.

Females are portrayed as dispassionate and logical

Mood: how the reader feels

Introspective: the story makes the reader think about what separates humans from robots with AI

Horrified: by the violent murder, by the advanced technology, by the outcome (Mika is shut off/kill switch)

Central meaning of the story:

Society's laws cannot keep up with the rapidly evolving advances of technology.

What separates humans from AI?

The religious concept of a soul separates humans from animals and robots. 


Screwdriver: death, a kill switch for Mika

severed head of victim: a human has been separated from his brain or (CPU)

Nordstrom shopping bag: are humans only consumers of goods

torture dungeon:

handcuffed in the front: Mika, a robot or piece of technology, is treated compassionatley and humanely

CPU: is like a brain but made of plastic and metal, capacity is defined and limited

Brain: organic can "see" colors and "depth". Has infinite capacity.


sexual innuendos



the law/legalities


Search for Identity: Is Mika a robot or a sentinent being because of her AI (artificial intelligence)

Rebellion vs Conformity: Detective Rivera fights against the traditional concepts who has rights. Is Mika entitled to human rights because she has AI? 

I think therefore I am. ~Descartes


The Relive Box by T. Coraghessan Boyle


Wes, a single father.

Wes' wife, Christine has abandoned her husband and daughter, Katie, and moved to Asia. 

First person narrative



Wes has stayed up all night playing the Relive Box.

Wes and his daughter, Katie,  fight about who can/should use the Relive Box

Main conflict: 

Wes, a father to a Katie, teenage girl,  becomes addicted to the Relive Box. He neglects his present life and responsibilities.



Wes is addicted to the Box. When his daughter goes on a winter vacation Wes stops living his life and falls deeper into his addiction to the box. Wes isolates himself from society and his family.



At the end of the story, the reader does not know Wes' fate. Has he lost his entire present and future life to the box?

Katie says, "Dad are you there?"

Wes replies, "I'm not here." 

Tone: the author's attitude towards the subject. Author's word choice and details.

Cautionary tale, a warning about the benefits of new technologies.




Mood: the reader's reaction or emotions to the story

Dark, depressing

revolting, gross


Central meaning of the Story:

 Does technology always improve our lives?

Are you LIVING in the present or have you lost your life to technology?


Relive Box-addiction and remorse for past actiions

The Christmas Wreath-family has given up traditions

Re-living Room-Tech has replaced family time (the living room)

Motifs: a recurring word, image or phrase in a story



Restarting the relive box

All motifs show an obsession with the past, memories and loss. Avoiding his present life and future. 


1. Obsession with loss. You cannot change the past. The past is immutable.

2. You cannot change the past but you can change your reaction to your past, your memories and your regrets. 

There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury


the voice of a "smart" house


nucler blast

owners of the house have died

falling tree branch causes a fire

food uneaten/floor gets dirty mechanical mice clean up

Main Conflict:

Humans through their superior intelligence (minds) have created 


None. The voice of the house continues, "today is August 5th"


The house is burned to the ground when a falling branch causes a fire in the kitchen. The voice continues

Tone: author's words


a warning/cautinary tale

a futuristic fairy tale

Mood: how the reader feels




Central Meaning of the Story:

The earth/nature will still be here even after all "life" ceases to exist and the earth will be better off without us!



Sara Teasdale poem

The nursey

the dog


the spoken time

the food

cleaning mice

the glow/light (fire, radioactive, lit cigar)


The senselessness of war.

The end of humanity will come at the hand of humanity

The fragility of life/peace/the planet.-